
At present, domain adaptation (DA) methods have made noteworthy advancements in cross-scene hyperspectral image (HSI) classification. Their success largely hinges on the alignment of distributions between source and target domains, which is a critical step in extracting domain-invariant features. However, this intense focus on domain-invariant feature extraction frequently leads to the neglect of class-discriminative features, limiting their utility in cross-scene coastal wetland classification, where the nuanced identification of different classes is crucial. In this paper, a feature disentanglement based domain adaptation network (FDDAN) is proposed to disentangle and exclude domain-specific features and class-invariant features, thereby obtaining class-specific domain-invariant features for classification tasks. Specifically, a transformer and convolution fusion-based feature extraction network is designed to capture global–local mixed features. To align domain distributions and learn shared features, two corresponding disentanglers separate domain-invariant features and domain-specific features from mixed features. Furthermore, to allow domain-invariant features containing purer category discriminative information, class-invariant features are also segregated. In addition, an adversarial learning strategy between three features is utilized to simultaneously enhance the transferability and discriminability of domain-invariant features. The effectiveness of FDDAN is demonstrated by the experimental results obtained from three cross-scene unmanned aerial vehicle datasets collected in coastal wetlands and a publicly available dataset. We will make our datasets and source code publicly available upon acceptance of the paper.

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