
By deploying a magnetic monitoring network in the earthquake-prone areas of Sichuan, China, and conducting long-term observations, processing, and analysis of real-time geomagnetic data, it can be observed that the pre-earthquake geomagnetic anomalies are highly correlated with the occurrence time of earthquakes. We propose a novel algorithm that obtains a new quantity by accumulating geomagnetic anomaly energy to eliminate external environmental interference and take its gradient as a measure for predicting the occurrence time of an earthquake. Through observations of a large amount of geomagnetic data, it is confirmed that the proposed method can be used to predict the occurrence time of earthquakes with about 75% to 85% accuracy. Conclusions: The geomagnetic anomaly phenomenon can be accurately observed and recorded before an impending earthquake, and it has been confirmed by data that using this observation makes imminent earthquake prediction a practical prediction method.

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