Thorium-plutonium mixed oxide, (Th,Pu)OX, is currently used as an alternative fuel in the light water reactors in the world. The main objective of this paper is not only to show the benefits of using the thorium, but mainly to study how the way thorium is introduced in the fuel affects the neutron parameters. Among these benefits is the possibility of extending the operating cycle length and the reduction of the increasing stockpiles of plutonium. The first investigated method is introducing thorium as (Th,Pu)OX. The second one is a homogeneous model of thorium plutonium oxide. It is carried out by adding an amount of plutonium separated from the uranium oxide cycle at 50 GWd/ton of heavy metal to the same amount of thorium. Thus, we studied three assemblies; the reference assembly is uranium oxide of 4.2% enrichment containing borated water as a moderator of concentration 500 ppm (part per million) of B-10. The second is a (Th,Pu)OX and the third one is an assembly with homogenized thorium plutonium. All three assemblies are modeled using MCNPX. A comparison is held between the results of the three lattices. The factors compared are the effective multiplication factor, the inventory of plutonium and uranium isotopes, and the depletion of B-10, the pin by pin power distribution at 0 and 60 GWd/ton and the relative pin radial power for the three lattices. The comparison is aimed to show the effect on the cycle length, the reduction in the Pu content and the power flattening across the assembly. It is found that the evolution of the multiplication factors shows a similar behaviour using (Th-Pu)OX fuel in the assembly as UOX cycle inspite of lowering the K-eff of fresh (Th-Pu)OX fuel (1.19847). The power flattening which is favorable in reactor operation is clearer in (Th,Pu)OX fuel. It is noticed that the mass of Pu-239 decreases by 1.07% from its initial value at the end of life. For homogeneous (Th,Pu)OX, the mass decreases by 0.0832%. The high power peaking factor for (Th,Pu)OX is not expected to cause significant effects during reactor operation but it can be reduced by adding burnable poisons.
The utilization of the Thorium – based nuclear fuel would widely provide fissile resources by breeding U-233
For carrying out the calculations, MCNPX 2.7 is used for calculating the effective multiplication factors, the pin by pin power distribution, the radial power behavior, the pin peaking factor at BOL and EOL and other important parameters that will be shown in details in the section of results and discussions
The MCNPX results are closer to the results presented by Japan
The utilization of the Thorium – based nuclear fuel would widely provide fissile resources by breeding U-233. Thorium fuel can be irradiated to higher burnup stages in conditions similar to light water reactors.Th-232 is a fertile material which converts to U-233 due to neutron absorption while other fissile isotopes such as U-235 or Pu isotopes deplete during the fuel irradiation. The good material properties of the thorium-plutonium Mixed Oxide indicate that it has the ability to sustain higher burnups than Uranium-Oxide based fuel types[6,7]. Mixing ThO2 with UO2 or PuO2 fuel leads to different chemical and physical properties of nuclear fuel[9].This paper summarizes some important reactor physics calculations which can predict the reactor safety using comparisons of reference UOX,(Th,Pu)OX and homogeneous (Th,Pu)OX assemblies. Separated plutonium is mixed with thorium and used as a new nuclear fuel in the reactor This process aims at homogenizing the plutonium in the fuel. Burn up process consideration of UOX, (Th,Pu)OX and homogeneous (Th,Pu)OX has been proposed in this work using Monte Carol-based transport computational method
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