
Regulatory bridge is a hydraulic structure to control the flow of water through a water body. It can also act a bridge for commuting between the two shores of the river across which it is built. The present study focuses on the feasibility assessment of the need of a regulatory bridge at at Kannattupadam, across Kurumali River. Presently a temporary bund is built each year at the proposed site to accommodate both water storage and two-wheeler traffic between the two banks of the river. The transportation infrastructure across the river is very weak, especially during the wet season. The periodic construction of the temporary bund will finally result in land filling and is not a sustainable approach. Considering the above situation, the need for a regulator cum bridge feasibility study had been intense for a considerable amount of time, and it initially appears that such a project is highly beneficial for the development of the area in terms of improving water storage and transportation facility; The main objective of our work is to investigate about the feasibility of a regulator cum bridge for the storage of river water and benefit analysis of the proposed bridge was conducted based on traffic survey and questionnaire survey among the road users and the people residing in the proposed location. The estimation of the quantities needed for the construction of regulatory bridge was obtained in the quantity survey. The amount which is required for the construction of the bridge for the following quantities was also estimated. Cost benefit analysis of the bridge was done so that the feasibility study for the bridge could be completed.

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