
REAL and imagined resemblances and relationships between animals and human beings have preoccupied writers from earliest times, and they have utilized animal imagery constantly throughout literature for derogatory, satirical, or sympathetic purposes. In contemporary Hispanic literature Ram6n Sender, Juan Jose Arreola, and Julio Cortizar, among others, have concentrated on the theme; but none has so consistently used animals iconoclastically as Juan Goytisolo. Goytisolo no doubt believes that Spanish society is a menagerie, a kind of backward jungle, inhabited by herds of sheep easily victimized by dictatorship, capitalism, tourism, the Catholic Church, and sexual frustrations. Spaniards suffer all of the savage aspects of animalistic living without any of the positive benefits to be derived from a more primitive and forceful life containing sexual and sadistic elements which help one to cope with a cruel and violent world. If the atmosphere of Spain is bestial, it is only natural that animals reside there. As the author ridicules the

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