
Abstract Renewable energy sources have a key role to play in the global energy mix as a means of reducing the impact of energy production on climate change. Wind energy is the most developed of all renewable energy technologies with more than 200 GW of globally installed capacity as of 2011. Analyses of wind farm maintenance costs show that up to 40% of the outlay is related to unexpected component failures that lead to costly unscheduled amendments. Wind farm operators are constantly looking for new technological developments in condition monitoring that can contribute to the minimisation of wind turbine maintenance expenditure. Early fault detection through condition monitoring can help prevent major breakdowns as well as significantly decrease associated costs. Moreover it enables the optimisation of maintenance schedules, reduces downtime, increases asset availability and enhances safety and operational reliability. Faults in the braking system are of particularly concern since they can result in catastrophic failure of the wind turbine. The present study investigates online condition monitoring based on voltages and currents for mechanical wind turbine brake system fault diagnosis.

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