
In this work, comparative study of physicochemical properties and fatty acids of dried arils (DA) oil and those roasted (RA), of Blighia sapida from Côte d’Ivoire have been done using usual methods.
 The results showed that the crude fat obtained were 59.08± 0.02 g/100 g for dried arils (DA) and 60.51 ± 0.12 g/100 g for roasted arils (RA) respectively. Physicochemical properties of these oils were equal approximately, except level of saponification (241.19 mg KOH/g (DA) against 216.8 mg KOH/g (RA)); acid value (7 mg KOH/g (DA) and 6.28 mg KOH/g (RA)) and ester acid 234.19 mg KOH/g (DA) against 210.65 mg KOH/g (RA) where variances analysis showed that there was significant difference (p<0.05). On the other hand, refractive index, pH, moisture value, relative density and Free fatty acid were respectively; 1.465 (DA) and 1.475 (RA); 5.625 (DA) and 5.8 (RA); 1.757 (DA) and 1.9 (RA); 0.093 (DA) and 0.103 (RA), 3.52 mg KOH/g (DA) and 3.03 mg KOH/g (RA). The color of both oils was yellow.
 Fatty acid profile of these arils oils revealed that values of DA and RA were equal approximately (variances analysis showed that there was no significant difference (p<0.05)). These arils oils contained high levels of unsaturated fatty acids, 64.10 % (DA) and 65.17 % (RA), especially linolenic acid 20.02 mg/100 g (DA) and 22.18 mg/100 g (RA); linoleic acid 15.37 mg/100 g (DA) and 16.83 mg/100 g (RA) and Oleic acid 12.76 mg/100 g (DA) and 13.21 mg/100 g(RA). The saturated fatty Acids, accounted for 35.90% (DA) and 34.83% (RA) were constituted by palmitic acid with 18.02 mg/100 g (DA) and 18.11(RA) which were higher values. The values of stearic acid were 7.1 mg/100 g (DA) and 7.9 mg/100 g (RA) and 1.85 mg/100 g (AD) and 1.9 mg/100 g (RA) mg/100 g for myristic acid respectively.
 These results showed that the arils oils of Blighia sapida fruit from Côte d’Ivoire have highly nutritive fat content because rich in essentials fatty acids. These oils may be suitable for soap making and edible (margarine). The oils extracts exhibited good physicochemical properties and could be useful as edible oils and for industrial applications.

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