
This study was designed to evaluate changes in brain glucose metabolism in rats following ligature strangulation. Thirteen male Wistar rats were used in the present study, divided into control (n=7) and asphyxia groups (n=6, ligature strangulation). Positron emission tomography (PET) with 2-deoxy-2-[(18)F]fluoro-D-glucose ((18)F-FDG) was used to evaluate brain glucose metabolism. Rats were scanned for PET-CT, and image data co-registered with a T2WI MRI template using SPM8 software. Image J was employed to draw regions of interest (ROIs) from the MRI template and acquire ROI activity information from the PET images. In the asphyxia group vs. controls, (18)F-FDG uptake (FU) was decreased in the substantia nigra (25.26%, p<0.001), rhombencephalon (pons/medulla oblongata, 13.92%, p<0.01), hypothalamus (22.06%, p<0.01), ventral tegmentum (10.12%, p<0.05) and amygdala (12.74%, p<0.05); however, FU was increased in motor (18.21%, p<0.05) and visual cortices (19.2%, p<0.05). The glucose metabolism distribution map in the asphyxiated rat brains were substantially changed versus controls. PET with (18)F-FDG can demonstrate excitement and inhibition of different brain areas even in cases of ligature strangulation.

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