
We present an $$O\left( n\log ^2{n} +(1/\varepsilon )^5 n\log {n}\right) $$ -time algorithm that computes a $$(1+\varepsilon )$$ -approximation of the diameter of a non-negatively-weighted, undirected planar graph of n vertices. This is an improvement over the algorithm of Weimann and Yuster (ACM Trans Algorithms 12(1):12, 2016) of $$O\left( (1/\varepsilon )^4 n\log ^4{n}+2^{O(1/\varepsilon )}n\right) $$ time in two regards. First we eliminate the exponential dependency on $$1/\varepsilon $$ by adapting and specializing Cabello’s recent Voronoi-diagram-based technique (Cabello, in: Proceedings of the 28th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 2017) for approximation purposes. Second we shave off two logarithmic factors by choosing a better sequence of error parameters in the recursion. Moreover, using similar techniques we obtain a variant of Gu and Xu’s $$(1+\varepsilon )$$ -approximate distance oracle (Gu and Xu, in: Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC), 2015) with polynomial dependency on $$1/\varepsilon $$ in the preprocessing time and space and $$O\left( \log (1/\varepsilon )\right) $$ query time.


  • In this paper we study the problem of computing the diameter of a weighted, undirected planar graph of n vertices with non-negative edge lengths1, defined as the longest shortest path distance between two vertices of the graph

  • Poly-logarithmic speedups were given by Chan [5] in 2006 and by Wulff-Nilsen [22] in 2010; the algorithm of the former works for the unweighted case and requires O n2 log log n/ log n time; the algorithm of the latter requires the same amount of time for the unweighted case and O n2(log log n)4/ log n time for the weighted

  • Gawrychowski et al [8] recently improved Cabello’s algorithm [4] for computing the exact diameter in planar graphs; their algorithm is deterministic instead of randomized and requires O(n5/3) time instead of O(n11/6). It is worth investigating whether the techniques therein could be used to make our approximation algorithm deterministic and perhaps shave off some 1/ε factors

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In this paper we study the problem of computing the diameter of a weighted, undirected planar graph of n vertices with non-negative edge lengths, defined as the longest shortest path distance between two vertices of the graph. Given a weighted, undirected planar graph of n vertices with nonnegative edge lengths, we can compute a (1 + ε)-approximation of its diameter in expected O n log n log n + (1/ε) time Another important problem in planar graphs is the construction of efficient (1 + ε)approximate distance oracles, i.e., data structures that in a query for a pair of vertices u, v of a planar graph G, return a value dsuch that dG(u, v) ≤ d ≤ (1+ε)dG(u, v), where dG(u, v) is the shortest path distance from u to v in G. Gu and Xu [9] combined the ideas of those results with the techniques of the diameter algorithm of Weimann and Yuster [21] to obtain the first distance oracle with constant query time (independent of both n and ε); it requires O n log n (1/ε) log n + 2O(1/ε) preprocessing time and O n log n (1/ε) log n + 2O(1/ε) space. We assume that all the planar graphs under discussion have a fixed, combinatorial embedding and are triangulated

A Streamlined Version of Cabello’s Technique
Defining Voronoi diagrams in planar graphs
Computing abstract Voronoi diagrams in planar graphs
Constructing the farthest neighbor data structure
Improving Weimann and Yuster’s Diameter Approximation Algorithm
Decomposing G to Gin and Gout
Analyzing the approximation factor and the running time
A Approximate Distance Oracles
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