
Low temporal resolution and limited photocontrollable fluorescent protein probes have restricted the widespread application of single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM). In the current study, we developed a new photoconvertible fluorescent protein (PCFP), pcStar, and quick single molecule-guided Bayesian localization microscopy (Quick-SIMBA). The combination of pcStar and Quick-SIMBA achieved the highest temporal resolution (0.1-0.25 s) with large field-of-view (76 × 9.4 μm2 -76 × 31.4 μm2) among the SMLM methods, which enabled the dynamic movements of the endoplasmic reticulum dense tubular matrix to be resolved. Moreover, pcStar extended the application of SMLM to imaging the immediate early nanostructures in Drosophila embryos and revealed a specific "parallel three-pillar" structure in the neuronal-glial cell junction, helping to elucidate glial cell "locking" and support of neurons during Drosophila embryogenesis.

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