
We describe the design and implementation of a fast data acquisition (DAQ) system for Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) trackers applied to imaging and dosimetry in hadrontherapy. Within the AQUA project of the TERA foundation a prototype of Proton Range Radiography of 30×30cm2 active area has been designed and built to provide in-beam integrated density images of the patient before treatment. It makes use of a pair of GEMs to record position and direction of protons emerging from the target.A fast data acquisition rate close to 1MHz will allow obtaining a good resolution in-beam proton radiography in a few seconds. A dedicated fast front-end circuit for GEM detectors (GEMROC by AGH-Crakow University) is read by the FPGA based DAQ card (GR_DAQ), developed by the AQUA group. The same system is under evaluation (within the ENVISION European project) to realize the in-vivo dosimetry, based on detecting secondary light particles during the treatment of the patient.

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