
Aims. We present a novel approximate radiative transfer method developed to visualize 3D whole-prominence models with multiple fine structures using the hydrogen Hα spectral line. Methods. This method employs a fast line-of-sight synthesis of the Hα line profiles through the whole 3D prominence volume and realistically reflects the basic properties of the Hα line formation in the cool and low-density prominence medium. The method can be applied both to prominences seen above the limb and filaments seen against the disk. Results. We provide recipes for the use of this method for visualizing the prominence or filament models that have multiple fine structures. We also perform tests of the method that demonstrate its accuracy under prominence conditions. Conclusions. We demonstrate that this fast approximate radiative transfer method provides realistic synthetic Hα intensities useful for a reliable visualization of prominences and filaments. Such synthetic high-resolution images of modeled prominences/filaments can be used for a direct comparison with high-resolution observations.

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