
Agriculture is the traditional and leading field of economy of Tetritskaro Municipality, but faces the challenge of changing climate. The study investigates male and female farmers’ perception of climate change issues in Tetritskaro, their main source of information, adaptation measures choosen and their needs. Climate change data available in Tetritskaro focused on characteristic extreme weather events coupled with face-to-face interviews from 254 farmers (male - 53%, female - 47%) was analyzed. The study revealed that men and women have more or less similar perceptions of climate change issues. For male farmers, the main source of information on climate, seasonal prediction and weather forecast is conversations with fellow farmers, and for female farmers it is indigenous knowledge of the local environment. Male and female farmers, have adapted to the changes in climate similarly applying measures such as pesticides, fertilizer and irrigation, early sowing, and earlier harvest, while the exchange of information between fellow farmers, use of various hail protection products and crop diversification techniques is more frequent among male farmers. Farmers expressed the need for low interest loans to purchase agricultural products, equipment and restore/create windbreak zones. Most of the male farmers indicate the need for introduction new technologies, while female farmers are more in need of information and training in agricultural activities. The study shows the need for development of climate change adaptation policies and interventions in Tetritskaro. Obtained results can be used not only in other agricultural regions of Georgia, but in other countries with the same problems.

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