
This research discusses "Farid Esack's Hermeneutics of Al-Qur'an Liberation" with a focus on the method of interpreting the Al-Qur'an proposed by Farid Esack in the context of liberation. Farid Esack, a contemporary Muslim thinker, proposed a hermeneutical approach that creates a new understanding of the holy text of the Koran, with the aim of fighting for social justice, gender equality and human liberation. The main challenge faced in this research involves a deep understanding of Farid Esack's thought, as well as its application to the text of the Koran. The interpretation process involving social, political and cultural contexts requires criticality and caution so that the results can achieve the desired goal of liberation. The relevance of this topic in the world of education today is very important considering the complexity of the challenges faced by Muslim communities. A deep understanding of the liberation hermeneutics of the Koran can make a significant contribution in forming views that are inclusive, progressive and support human rights. Therefore, this research is not only an academic contribution, but also has a practical impact in guiding thought and action in realizing a more just and harmonious society.

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