
With the rapid development of the Internet and the promotion of entertainment industrialization, the love of stars is rising rapidly in a new cultural form - "fan culture" and developing rapidly among teenagers. More and more fans at a younger age express their love for idols in their own way, but because the teenagers' own cognitive and psychological construction is not complete, they will make some crazy actions, such as: In order to help the idol to be able to spend money on the list, in order to maintain their own idol wanton "attack" others ignore laws and regulations, spend savings to buy idols around, and even make some extreme behaviors in order to close contact with idols: tracking, candid photos, installation of locators, etc. These crazy star-chasing behaviors not only seriously endanger the social public order but also have a negative impact on the growth of teenagers and the development of stars. In this paper, the phenomenon of star-chasing in the current group of teenagers is taken as the starting point, and through the method of questionnaire survey, based on the experience and views of star-chasing in different groups of teenagers. This paper aims to study the views and psychological cognition of the teenagers with star-chasing experience between 12 and 18 years old. To understand the mental health problems behind young people's crazy star-chasing, and help them establish a correct star-chasing and consumption concept.

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