
The origin of empirical social research in Austria is generally credited to the work of adolescence by Paul F. Lazarsfeld during the early 1930s. Spurred by urgent post-war problems, Leo- pold Rosenmayr reintroduced empirical social research in his hous- ing studies during the decades between 1950 and 1970. Rosenmayrs concept of intimacy at the distance has been influential in the study of intergenerational relationships in social as well as ecologi- cal contexts. In the 1980s, the attention of social researchers turned to the definition of family. The dominant topic at the macro-level has been deinstitutionalization of the family, while the micro-level focus has been on superindividualization. This review of the devel- opment of family research and theory in Austria traces recent trendstoward individualism for their influence on family roles, intergenera- tional relationships, and public policy regarding family caregiving.

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