
The subject of this research is the preventive measures aimed against extremist activity in the conditions of falsification of history in youth environment. Leaning on students’ survey results, questionnaire materials of the student youth of Kemerovo Oblast, Novosibirsk Oblast, Chelyabinsk Oblast and Altai Krai, the author analyzes the factors that create favorable environment for falsification of history and growth of extremist manifestations. The article demonstrates the principle of organization of measures for countering the proliferation of extremist ideologies among youth. The experience of Kemerovo State Medical University on preventing extremist activity, which can be also use in other secondary and higher educational institutions, is described. Extremist ideology that is based on erroneous interpretation of historical facts and events, i.e. intentional distortion of history, underlied any extremist activity. These two phenomena and interrelated. Therefore, prevention of extremist manifestations is impossible without understanding and countering the mechanisms of falsification of history. Knowledge of the Russian history among youth is an important tool in prevention of falsification of history, and thus, extremist activity. A significant part of preventive work should be conducted starting from middle school history classes. The formation of fundamental knowledge on the key events of the Russian history, sense of patriotism, skills of working with information among youth is the property vector of anti-extremist activity, and is impossible without systematic and extensive implementation of this direction in educational institutions, beginning in grade school and continuing through university. The author underlines the need for training pedagogical personnel and changing approaches in teaching history.

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