
[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to compare the differences in muscle strength and postural balance between fallers and non-fallers. We also compared the difference between normal and impaired balance groups using the same subjects and the same variables. [Subjects and Methods] Seventy-one healthy elderly females (age: 75.1 ± 75 years; weight: 57.3 ± 57 kg; height: 150.1 ± 15 cm) who had high levels of physical activity participated [25 fallers (FG) vs. 46 non-fallers (NG); and 52 healthy balance group (HBG) and 19 impaired balance group (IBG) subjects]. To compare the groups, the muscle strengths of 9 muscle groups, and 20 variables of the instrumented standing balance assessment (2 area variables, 9 time-domain variables, and 9 frequency-domain variables) were assessed. [Results] The FG and NG could only be categorized based on the frequency-domain variables of the instrumented standing balance assessment. On the other hand, there were significant differences between HBG and IBG in height, 6 muscle strength, and 2 time-domain variables of the instrumented standing balance assessment. [Conclusion] These results suggest that muscle strength and standing balance are reflected in physical balance ability (i.e., BBS); however they are in sufficient for determining the actual occurrence of falls.

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