
Background: Learning is an effort to obtain intelligence or knowledge, changing behavior or responses caused by experience. There are many factors that influence the success of learning. Two main factors that affect the success of one's learning are the factor of the internal (internal factors) and other factors that come from outside the individual (external factors). External elements (environmental factors and instrumental factors) and internal elements (physiological factors and psychological factors) also play a role in influencing learning processes and outcomes.
 Objective: To identify the factors that influence the success of student learning on SCL model in Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta.
 Methods: Research descriptive correlation with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all students of Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta who obtained the SCL model. Data retrieval method used simple random sampling.
 Results: There is a relation between student's attention and learning achievement (P value = 0,000), there is correlation between fatigue with learning achievement (Pvalue = 0,000). There is no relation between family factor and learning achievement (Pvalue = 0,300), no correlation between school factor and achievement (Pvalue = 0,130), and no relation between environmental factor and academic achievement (Pvalue = 0,476)
 Conclusion: Students' attention in learning influences learning achievement, with positive relationship direction (r = 0,814), where each addition of student’s attention for 1 hour will improve student’s achievement as much as 2.21 points.
 Keyword: SCL model, learning.


  • changing behavior or responses caused by experience

  • learning are the factor of the internal (internal factors

  • identify the factors that influence the success of student learning on Student Centered Learning (SCL) model

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Variabel Me Md SD Usia Usia min max

Berdasarkan tabel 1 diketahui, rerata usia responden adalah 19,75 tahun, dengan usia minimal 16 tahun dan usia maksimal 22 tahun. Mahasiswa (menit) Dalam Pembelajaran SCL di Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta (n = 79). Distribusi Kelelahan Mahasiswa Dalam Pembelajaran SCL di Stikes Jenderal. Berdasarkan tabel 3 diketahui, ratarata waktu (jam) yang digunakan mahasiswa untuk istirahat setelah melakukan aktivitas belajar di Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta adalah 3,53 jam. Waktu istirahat yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa setelah beraktivitas adalah minimal 2,5 jam dan maksimal 5 jam. Faktor eksternal yang diteliti adalah faktor dukungan dari keluarga, faktor sekolah, dan faktor lingkungan. Data disajikan dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi. Distribusi frekuensi dukungan keluarga, faktor sekolah dan faktor lingkungan dalam pembelajaran SCL di Stikes Jenderal

Baik Cukup Kurang
Md SD Nilai Nilai min max
Perhatian mahasiswa Prestasi belajar
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Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani
Kelas V Sdn Manisrejo I Kabupaten
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