
ABSTRAKHaemoragik post partum merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian ibu dan menjadi masalah kesehatan dengan prioritas khusus. Haemoragik post partum adalah hilangnya darah lebih dari 500 ml dalam 24 jam pertama setelah lahirnya bayi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian Haemoragik Post Partum pada ibu bersalin di RSUD Cibinong Tahun 2023. Penelitian menggunakan metode analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional, pengolahan dan analisis data univariat bivariat dilakukan dengan bantuan computer sampel sebanyak 95 orang. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa dari 95 orang ibu 80,0% nya mengalami haemoragik post partum dan hanya 20,0% saja yang tidak mengalami haemoragik post partum, 67,4% terjadi pada usia 20 tahun – 35 tahun, Hasil analisa bivariat (alfa = 0,05) diperoleh hasil, umur {p-value = 0,071, paritas {p-value = 0,044 OR = 3,322 (95% CI = 1,138 - 9,696) anemia {p-value = 0,019 OR = 3,932 (95% CI = 1,342 – 11,525) jarak kelahiran {p-value = 0,033 OR = 4,317 (95% CI = 1,161 – 16,056) atonia uteri {p-value = 0,009 OR = 4,538 (95% CI = 1,479 – 13,923) sisa plasenta {p-value = 0,26 OR = 3,714 (95% CI = 1,269 – 10,869) laserasi jalan lahir {p-value = 0,31 OR = 3,497 (95% CI = 1,226 – 9,972. Kesimpulan dan Saran : kejadian haemoragik post partum di RSUD Cibinong mayoritas dipengaruhi oleh paritas, anemia, jarak kelahiran, atonia uteri, sisa plasenta dan laserasi jalan lahir. Pembinaan oleh petugas kesehatan pada ibu dengan usia reproduksi sehat, audit maternal dan anamnesa lengkap harus terus dilakukan untuk menekan kejadian perdarahan pasca persalinanAbstraksPostpartum hemorrhagic is one of the causes of maternal death and is a health problem with special priority. Post partum hemorrhagic is the loss of blood of more than 500 ml in the first 24 hours after the birth of the baby. This study aims to determine the factors associated with Post Partum Haemorrhagic events in mothers giving birth at Cibinong Hospital in 2023. The research used an analytical method with a cross sectional approach, processing and analysis of univariate bivariate data was carried out with the help of a computer for a sample of 95 people. The results of the study showed that out of 95 mothers, 80.0% had postpartum hemorrhage and only 20.0% did not experience postpartum hemorrhage, 67.4% occurred at the age of 20 years - 35 years. Results of bivariate analysis (alpha = 0.05) results, age {p-value = 0.071, parity {p-value = 0.044 OR = 3.322 (95% CI = 1.138 - 9.696) anemia {p-value = 0.019 OR = 3.932 (95% CI = 1.342) – 11.525) birth spacing {p-value = 0.033 OR = 4.317 (95% CI = 1.161 – 16.056) uterine atony {p-value = 0.009 OR = 4.538 (95% CI = 1.479 – 13.923) residual placenta {p-value = 0.26 OR = 3.714 (95% CI = 1.269 – 10.869) lacerations of the birth canal {p-value = 0.31 OR = 3.497 (95% CI = 1.226 – 9.972). Conclusions and suggestions: the majority of post partum hemorrhagic events in Cibinong Hospital influenced by parity, anemia, birth spacing, uterine atony, retained placenta and lacerations of the birth canal.Construction by health workers for women of healthy reproductive age, maternal audit and complete anamnesis must continue to be carried out to reduce the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage.

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