
<h5><em>The purpose of this research</em><em> to determine what factors affect the return on investment in the Indonesian capital market. By replicating the research conducted by Quershi et al (2012) found 4 (four) factors that influence investment decision making, namely heuristics, risk aversion, financial tools and firm levels of corporate governance. Data analysis technique is quantitative descriptive analysis using primary data with information that is in accordance with respondents who are investors who have invested in the Indonesian capital market. Hypothesis testing is done using multiple analysis by first testing the validity, reliability test, and classical assumption test.</em></h5><h5><em>With a total of 185 respondents, the results of the </em><em>research</em><em> show that heuristics, risk aversion, financial tools and corporate levels of corporate governance together have a significant influence on investment decision making. However, partially, heuristics and risk aversion have no effect on investment decision making, while financial tools and corporate governance levels are significant to investment decision making.</em><em></em></h5><h5><em> </em></h5><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><strong><em>: </em></strong><em>investment decision making, heuristic, risk aversion, financial tools, firm level corporate governance</em></p>

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