
Breastfeeding is a process that occurs naturally but breastfeeding needs to be studied, especially by mothers who are first-time babies so that they know how to breastfeed properly and can overcome breastfeeding problems. Based on the results of the 2018 Riskesdas, the proportion of breastfeeding patterns for infants aged 0-5 months in Indonesia is 37.3% exclusive breastfeeding, 9.3% partial breastfeeding, and 3.3% predominant breastfeeding. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the success of breastfeeding in mothers who have babies aged 6-12 months. The type of research used in this study is quantitative using a descriptive analytic design with a sampling technique in this study using consecutive sampling. The results of the research that have been carried out obtained results based on univariate analysis showing that 22 (41.4%). (45.3%), which is a little bit compared to those who do not get husband's support as many as 31 (54.7%), who get a role from the family as many as 20 (37.7%), fewer than those who do not get a family role of 33 (62 ,3%). The results of the bivariate analysis showed that there was an effect of husband's support on the success of exclusive breastfeeding with a P value of 0.048 and not on the influence of family roles on the success of exclusive breastfeeding with a P value of 0.066.

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