
Safeguarding a company's products from counterfeiting is crucial for sustainable business development, which can detrimentally impact brand image and pose potential health risks due to inferior product quality. Counterfeiters exploit lower-quality materials and production methods for financial gain. Identifying counterfeit products is challenging for consumers, often requiring examination by a trained professional, incurring time and cost. In this paper, we propose a method for counterfeit detection through a simple scan of the product's quick response code, which is generated by unique algorithms. These QR codes, being both unique and resistant to replication, offer enhanced security against forgery. Additionally, implementing an encrypted peer-to-peer database system further fortifies the defense against tampering by attackers. This innovative approach aims to reduce manufacturing and material costs associated with traditional counterfeiting methods like Radio-Frequency Identification and holographic techniques. Keywords—Blockchain, counterfeit, QR code

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