
Mahmud ibn zayd Lamishi is a scholar of the Hanafi school, a follower of the teachings of Maturidi, who worked in samarkand at the end of the 5th - beginning of the 6th centuries aH (aD). He was known as a mutakallim (islamic philosopher) and methodologist. His works on theology as at-tamhid li qawa’id-t-tawhid, as well as books on islamic fiqh kitab fi Usul al-fiqh and bayon kashfil-alfoz, have reached us. islamic philosophy (kalam) and islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) were taught in the madrasah of the Ottoman empire and the seljuk state based on the works of Lamishi. the current article describes the issues of faith discussed in the last chapter of the work at-tamhid li qawa’id-ttawhid. this chapter consists of five paragraphs. the scholar examines the essence of faith, its strengthening or weakening, regardless of whether the faith is created or is not created. He also depicts the issues of the faithfulness of muqallid (conformist) and exceptions in faith. Considering the views and evidence of the ahlu-ssunnah scholars and adherents of the teaching of maturidi, the author reveals the essence of faith. He writes that the actions (of the servant of God) are not an integral part of his faithfulness, and do not affect it. the author also reveals the views of the kharijites and Jahmites on this matter. the following chapter is devoted to the increase or decrease of faith. the author stated in short phrases that faithfulness does not increase or decrease. In the chapter on faith in the third paragraph, the author describes whether faithfulness is created by something or someone. the main reason for this hypothesis is that an inner conviction is created from the characteristics of a person’s character, and faith can also be created. However, if we consider faithfulness as given, it is impossible to build it since it is a gift from the almighty. the next chapter is devoted to the faithfulness of a Muslim who is not an expert in islam. the author reveals some exceptions in matters of faith. the author quotes the views and arguments of the adherents of the Maturidi doctrine. He writes that the faithfulness of a muqallid is as important as the faith of an expert in Islam. moreover, he mentions that no exceptions are allowed in matters of faith.

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