
Facultative migration is thought to be influenced by food and weather, with birds remaining in northern areas if food is abundant and weather conditions are benign, but migrating south when food is scarce and weather is harsh. However, the relative importance of these two factors has rarely been tested with long-term data, and effects of weather are poorly documented. Here, I assess whether winter numbers of the Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris) and the Redwing (T. iliacus) in southern Norway during the period 1980–2020 varied in relation to the abundance of an important source of winter food (rowanberries, Sorbus aucuparia) and indices of winter harshness (North Atlantic Oscillation index, temperature, duration of snow cover). Two regions with contrasting winter harshness (western Norway with a maritime climate, eastern Norway with a continental climate) were compared. Winter numbers of Fieldfare in both regions, and Redwing in eastern Norway, were highest in years with high rowanberry abundance. Weather had mixed influence on thrush winter numbers, but interacted with rowanberry abundance in several cases so that small numbers of thrushes occurred with the combination of low rowanberry abundance and harsh weather. Such interactions occurred both in eastern and western Norway, and for both species, including for the Redwing in western Norway. In conclusion, facultative migration was strongly related to food availability with large numbers wintering in years with large rowanberry crops, and with additional effects of harsh weather working in concert with low rowanberry abundance to reduce wintering numbers to low levels in some years.

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