
The article focuses on the significance of preserving and enhancing the creative potential of the enterprise. It highlights the importance of creating a environment that fosters creativity and developing employees' creative skills. The research of both domestic and foreign authors on the essence of creativity is analyzed. It was revealed that there is still no formalized understanding of the factors that influence creativity and lead to a positive entrepreneurial effect. The purpose of the article is to establish the essence of the creative potential of the enterprise, its formation and development factors, and to study approaches to managing the development of creative potential. The article utilizes comparison, generalization, analytical methods, etc. It considers the essence of the creative potential of the enterprise and identifies two primary factors the development of the creative environment: economic and infrastructural, along with their problems and possible solutions. The article studied approaches to evaluating and managing the development of creative potential and presents the scheme of management system for creative potential development, including the composition of the enterprise's creative resources. It also mentions methods and tools for stimulating employees' creative potential. The components of the enterprise's strategies for the development of the enterprise's creative potential are presented. The importance of a systematic and comprehensive approach to developing creative potential is emphasized. It should including measures aimed at developing the competence of personnel in terms of their skills and abilities, creating mechanisms for their material and moral stimulation, and providing the necessary environment for realizing creative potential of employees.

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