
Advance directives (ADs) are legal documents that outline a person's preferences or decisions regarding end-of-life care ahead of time. In Korea, there is insufficient awareness and knowledge about ADs among patients undergoing hemodialysis. This study explored the relationship between perceptions of a good death, knowledge about ADs, and attitudes toward ADs in this patient population. This cross-sectional survey enrolled 119 hemodialysis patients from a secondary hospital in 2021. The participants completed a self-administered questionnaire, and the data were analyzed using the t-test, analysis of variance, Pearson correlation coefficients, Spearman rank correlation coefficients, and multiple regression analysis. The average score for perceptions of a good death among hemodialysis patients was 2.80 out of 4, with clinical symptoms identified as the most critical factor. The average scores for knowledge about ADs and attitudes toward ADs were 5.69 out of 9 and 2.79 out of 4, respectively. There was a positive correlation between perceptions of a good death and attitudes toward ADs (r=0.34, P<0.001), as well as between knowledge about Ads and attitudes toward ADs (r=0.19, P=0.037). Factors influencing attitudes toward Ads included employment status (β=0.22, P=0.011), education level (β=0.22, P=0.013), and perceptions of a good death (β=0.29, P=0.001), which accounted for 24.8% of the variance in attitudes toward ADs. A positive perception of a good death among patients undergoing hemodialysis was associated with a positive attitude toward ADs. Educational programs are needed to improve individuals' understanding of a good death and encourage the development of end-of-life care plans.

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