
One of the main issues adversely influencing students’ educational achievement, particularly in Somalia’s secondary schools, is being late to class. This terrible behaviour has been hindering students’ academic performance and the management work of the school. The objectives of the study were to examine how the student’s neighbourhood’s fairness affects their school attendance lateness, to find out the role of parents in student’s tardiness to school, and finally, to investigate the effect of excessive use of social media on attending school classes on time in Mogadishu, Somalia. The methodology adopted in this research was conducted through a descriptive research design and used questionnaires to collect data. Data was analysed by measuring the frequency of respondents per question, tabulated frequencies were also used for socio-demographic status, and Analysis was prepared using a statistical package for social science SPSS version 20 to present the data. The study's sample size was 80 respondents, including Secondary students, teachers, and principals. The study revealed that the effect of long distance on student lateness was (μ= 3.735) (σ= 1.14754), Additionally were found to have a significant role in their student lateness at school with a mean of (μ=3.6225) (σ=1.29071). Furthermore, respondents agreed that the excessive use of social media has a negative impact on students’ school attendance lateness with a mean of (μ= 3.6854) (σ= 1.3043). This study found that long distances to school positively affect students' lateness in secondary school.

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