
The purpose of this research is to determine the conditioning factors of quality of academic and administrative services perceived by users of the National University of the Altiplano (UNA-Puno). In the methodological part, the different statistics are presented as Kendall’s Taub test, Factorial analysis of the components, Factors extraction, Varimax rotation, T test and correlation estimates and multiple linear regression. The study is of transversal design the study sample is made up of students, teachers and administrative staff of the UNA-P, of a simple random type. The measurement instrument applied was the Servqual Questionnaire. For the processing and statistical analysis of the information, the SPSS v. 22 program. The results obtained through the reliability analysis of the Servqual model show us a Cronbach alpha of 0.709, which means that both the instrument and its attributes are reliable and consistent to measure the quality of the service. Considered in the model determine in 67.11% the levels of service quality, R2 is 0.746 and value of F = 0.000. Therefore, the factors identified in the analysis directly and significantly affect the level of perceived quality.

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