
The essence of subsidence and flooding of the territories was exa­mined. Using the route observation method, the phenomenon of subsidence and flooding within the Chervonohrad industrial mining region of the Lviv-Volyn coal basin was evaluated. The obtained results were compared with the data of geodetic monitoring and aerial photographs decoding. The intensity of subsidence and flooding of the surface was compared with the natural and technogenic factors. The classification of factors of subsidence and flooding of the coal mining area within the Chervonohrad industrial mining region of the Lviv-Volyn coal basin was carried out. Geological, climatic, and landscape factors were distinguished and grouped together as natural factors, while mining and residential factors were combined into a technogenic group. The selection of each factor is justified by the results of field and experimental explorations within the area of research. Relationships between factors of subsidence and flooding were established.

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