
In the realisation of inclusive economy, infrastructure facilities are needed in the agrarian communities to boost farm produces and overall food insecurity. Considering the exponential increase in food items in the urban communities; global goal 2015 has earlier identified the provision of required infrastructure in the agrarian communities (farm settlements) important in attaining food security advancement. In the developing countries such as Nigeria, provision of appropriate infrastructure in the agrarian communities is considered herculean to the providers. This condition is however prior to number of factors limiting it’s availability in the agrarian communities (farm settlements) for improved productivity. The study however made use of questionnaire administration and physical observation to draw primary data through total enumeration technique in the identified farm settlements, thus, 255 household heads were identified in the four designated farm settlements of Ondo State. Likert scale was used to compute Mean Value Index (FIFI) for the identified factors influencing infrastructure facilities development in the farm settlements. The study concluded that government insensitivity, lack of visionary leader, government instability, maintenance failure, capital stagnancy and corruption were major factors influencing infrastructure development in the farm settlements of Ondo State; and that government should device action plans towards facilities development like, routine facilities maintenance and financial commitment which may also come from Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).

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