
<p>The number of Indonesian millenials visiting Bangkok is increase year by year. There must be a strong reason, why Indonesian millenials decide to visit Bangkok. This research aims to find out the factors influencing Indonesian millenials’ travel decision to visit Bangkok. The push and pull travel motivations theory are used to develop the research framework. A quantitative research with primary data collected by using a questionnaire is done. The data analysis used in this research is linear regression. There are two models, multiple linear regression and simple linear regression. A multiple linear regression is used to find out the factors of traveler satisfaction, while a simple linear regression is used to find out the influence of traveler satisfaction toward travel decision. The result shows that there are five push factors and five pull factors influencing traveler satisfaction, and at the end, traveler satisfaction influences travel decision. The five push factor are knowledge and culture, friendship, social status, sightseeing, and new experience. Meanwhile the five pull factors are local values, destinations features, historical values, cultural values, and outdoor attraction. Relaxation, as a part of push factor, does not influence traveler satisfaction.</p><p>Keywords: Push and Pull Travel Motivations, Traveler Satisfaction, Travel Decision,Indonesian Millenial, Bangkok</p>


  • The number of Indonesian millenials visiting Bangkok is increase year by year

  • Based on data from the Mastercard Global Destination Cities Index, Bangkok - the capital city of Thailand - has been designated as the city with the most tourist arrivals in the world in the last three years, 2016 (21.5 million tourists), 2017 (20.5 million tourists) and 2018 (21.98 million tourists).Figure 1 shows that the number of foreign tourist visits to Thailand tends to increase from year to year, especially since 2010, except in 2014 which declined due to the political crisis (Robino, 2019)

  • Tourism industry playersin Indonesia predict that the number of outbound tourists of Indonesiawill increase 8.6% from 2016 to 2021 (Andriani, 2018)

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Thailand is acountry that is successful in attracting foreign tourists. This success made the tourism industry become one of the mainstays in the Thailand economy. The success of Thailand in attracting foreign tourists is an interesting phenomenon, especially when compared to Indonesia. Tourist destinations and tourist attractions in Indonesia are not inferior to Thailand (Bangkok) and even more interesting and varied. This condition raises some questions, like why the tourist prefer go to Thailand than the neighbours (Malaysia, Vietnam or Indonesia)? What factors that make Bangkok (Thailand) more attractive to be visited by foreign tourists including the Indonesian millennials?How attractive the tourism destination in Thailand? A study about the factors influencing Indonesian millenials travel decision to Bangkok is really important to answer those questions. To know the influence of travelers’ saticfaction toward tourist travel decision to Bangkok

Research Method Theoretical Framework and Hypothesis
Inferential analysis
Result and Discussion Respondent Profile
10 Culture Value
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