
Рurpose of the work is to develop the theory of corporate management of Chinese transnational corporations (TNC) by identifying and substantive characteristics of the factors influencing these relations. The methodological main of research are systemic and comparative analysis, the method of conceptualization of scientific ideas, the method of qualitative and quantitative assessment, the subjective approach. The following are identified as the main factors determining the directions, tools and forms of development of corporate management in China: strengthening economic interdependence within macroregions, including through transnational corporations, with the growth of economic and geopolitical confrontation between macro-regions; high rates of economic growth of the country, requiring the expansion of transnational forms of doing business in order to stimulate exports and provide access to the necessary import resources; expansion of the private sector while maintaining state control over assets in key industries and the development of the national stock market; the ongoing credit and financial policy of the state, which provides Chinese TNCs with privileged access to financial resources; reconfiguration of the global technological space in favor of China, which contributes to the development of Chinese TNCs in the ICT (information and communication technologies) sector and the improvement of corporate management on a new technological basis; the leading role of the Communist Party in the political life of the country, which allows Chinese TNCs to use political capital to increase competitiveness; national cultural and worldview features that contribute to the formation of a specific culture of corporate management (guangxi), characterized by a high level of social capital and a focus primarily on collective interests. The novelty of the results obtained lies in the disclosure of a variety of factors and the mechanism of their influence on the corporate management of Chinese TNCs, a high degree of interdependence of internal and external factors, as well as in the study of economic, political and cultural factors not in isolation, but in the unity of their influence on the object of study, which allows significantly improve the quality of economic analysis of the development of corporate management in China.

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