
The present study was conducted in different joint forest management committees (JFMCs) of five forest development agencies (FDAs) in Punjab to assess the effect of demographic factors viz age, caste, qualification, landholding and occupation on women participation at different stages of the project. Maximum participation of women was observed in middle age group in all stages of programme viz planning (5.61%), implementation (27.33%) and maintenance (22.61%) followed by young and minimum in old age group women. Women of schedule caste category participated more at all stages of programme viz planning (7.52%), implementation (34.44%) and maintenance (29.28%). Participation of educated women was observed more at planning stage and of illiterate women at implementation and maintenance stages since latter were mostly engaged in labour-oriented work. The landholding of the participants played an important role in participation. Landless women participated more at all stages of programme followed by women with low landholdings. On the basis of occupation women from labour class participated more at all the three stages of the programme. The implementing agency should generate more awareness through meetings, consultations, group discussions etc so that women could participate at planning stage more effectively. Some incentives to the participants must be provided while attending the meetings and few income generating activities should be initiated among the women groups.

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