
The male's role in feeding young and his effect on the mortality of eggs and nestlings of the Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus were studied in Kahokugata, central Japan, during eight breeding seasons. Three potential costs of polygynous breeding for females were examined:(i) a reduction of male parental care per brood, (ii) an attraction of predators due to concentration of nests, and (iii) an increase of unfertilized eggs due to the reduced frequency of copulation per female. Only the first cost was found to occur:polygynous males fed their young, especially of their second broods, less frequently than monogamous ones. The lowered paternal feeding frequency, however, did not increase the mortality by starvation in second‐hatched broods. This was because the warm climate emancipated females from brooding and enabled them to compensate for the deficiency of feeding by males. The paper discusses possible roles of the staggering of the time of laying among harem mates and the shift of breeding status of females caused by nesting failure, in reducing potential costs of polygynous breeding for females.

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