
The study aimed to determine the factors affecting the adoption of electronic procurement in the public sector: the case of Songwe District Council. The specific objectives were to determine effects of relative advantage on the adoption of electronic procurement system in Songwe District Council, determine the effects of complexity on using electronic procurement system and to determine the effects of trialability on using electronic procurement system. The research employed a quantitative approach. The target population was 56 respondents from the selected departments. Data was analysed descriptively, 32(57%) agreed that relative advantage had effect on electronic procurement system adoption, 14(25%) disagreed while 10(18%) were neutral. of complexity effects on electronic procurement system adoption, 25(45%) agreed on the statements that, the electronic procurement system was difficult to understand, the organization provided training to departments on the use of electronic procurement system and staffs knew how to evaluate tenders by using the electronic procurement system, 20(35%) disagreed and 11(20%) were neutral. Thus, the findings revealed that complexity had effect on electronic procurements system adoption. 26(46%) agreed on the statements that, electronic procurement system adoption had been experimented with limited basis and the Songwe District Council had available network connections whereas 15(28%) disagree and 15(26%) neutral. The study recommends that the Songwe District council should employ more trialability in using electronic system since they have positive and significant results especially when more training will be engaged on the adoption of electronic procurement system. The findings of this study can be adopted in other districts councils with similar administrative and development characteristics as well as among other government institutions

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