
Abstract Purpose Laser Run combines running and shooting with a laser pistol in multiple laps with high cardio-vascular stress. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of shooting rate, shooting rhythm, heart rate, and core stability on the overall performance. Methods During a qualification race with 23 elite athletes heart rate and shooting performance were measured. The shooting rate and rhythm were then calculated and trunk strength endurance was determined in a separate test. Results Firing an average of 10.2 ± 3.9 shots per lap, the athletes spent a mean of 23.0 ± 12.0 s at the shooting range. The mean shooting rate was approximately 2.4 s between two shots. The results indicated a regular shooting rhythm to be more important than high shooting rate. The variation of the shooting rate showed a strong correlation with the overall shooting performance (r = 0.77). Athletes shoot at a heart rate close to 95% of their maximum heart rate. However, deviations do not seem to influence on the shooting performance, whereas core strength endurance obviously has a strong impact on shooting performance (r = −0.57). Conclusion Athletes must train to shoot with high heart rates and find a balance between high shooting rate and precision. A constant shooting rhythm and good core stability appear to be particularly important for high performance.

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