Farm credit has been described as one of the pre-requisites for farmers to increase the agricultural production. However, the majority of Ethiopian population comprises small farmers, who cannot implement a technology without credit. Even though, there are attempts to solve these rural financial difficulties by government being collateral and extending microfinance institution, associated to different factors, a number of farmers are becoming defaulters and the lending institution faces a problem. This study focused on the analysis of factors affecting loan repayment performance of farmers in Simada District, South Gondor Zone and Amhara Regional State. In this study primary data collected from 150 randomly selected borrowers using structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, maximum, minimum and percentages were used to describe socio-economic and institutional characteristics of the respondents. The t-test and Chi-square test statistics were employed to compare defaulter and non-defaulter groups with respect to some explanatory variables. Finally, a Tobit regression model was employed to identify factors affecting loan repayment and intensity of loan recovery among smallholder farmer. Variance inflation factor and coefficient of contingency were calculated to detect multicollinearity and association among the continuous and discrete variables, respectively. A total of 14 explanatory variables were included in the empirical model and out of these, 8 were found to be statistically significant. Education level, Land holding size, total livestock holding, non farm income, expenditure on social festivals, number of years of experience in agricultural extension services, saving habit and source of credits were highly important in influencing loan repayment performance as evidenced by the model statistic. Therefore, the study suggests that improving the livestock sector, educating households, giving attention in promoting non-farm activities and saving habit, minimize traditional ceremonies are some of the important priority areas for the success of future intervention strategies aimed at the promotion technological transformation, increasing production and to minimize loan defaults..
Many financial institutions in Ethiopia provide financial services such as saving and credit to aid several smallholder farmers
The data collected through a questionnaire survey includes the following. borrower’s characteristics such as age, sex, level of education, family labor, land size, livestock ownership, extension contact and non-farm income, distance from credit source and market center, social festival during loan period, sources of credit, saving habit, loan utilization and implementation of the institution, marketability of products/services and technical capability, data on source of income for loan repayment and borrower’s attitude towards default risk, borrower’s opinion about the lending procedure of the cooperatives and ACSI, its supervision and actions being taken in case of default, measures taken on the side of borrowers and the institution to improve the repayment status and its outcome
The average age of non-defaulter household heads was 48.98 years, while that of defaulters was 41.13 years with mean difference significant at 1% level. This implies that the more age that the nondefaulters have, the better accumulation of wealth which enable them to repay their debt in time than defaulters
Many financial institutions in Ethiopia provide financial services such as saving and credit to aid several smallholder farmers. This is an effort in line with the “Millennium development goals” which seeks to reduce poverty by 50% by the year 2015. The sustainability and continuity of the financial institutions to increase the volume of credit to stimulate the poverty reduction goal depends on threats allow the institutions to lower the interest rates and processing costs and increase patronage of loans. The financial institutions continue to decline credit to the agricultural and fisheries sectors. This decline is partly due to poor loan repayment performance from these sectors [1]
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