
Abstract Tests were made to determine the effects of grinding, type of extraction vessel, type of shaker, speed of shaking, time of shaking, time of filtering, soil to solution ratio and other variables on DTPA‐extractable Zn, Fe, Mn, and Cu from soils. Time of grinding, force of grinding, and the quantity of soil being ground greatly affected the amount of extractable Fe. At the lower grinding force, the quantity of soil being ground only slightly affected extractable Fe, but at the higher grinding force, more Fe was extracted from the smaller sized samples especially at the longer grinding period. Extractable Zn was also increased by longer grinding time and greater grinding force, but increases were much less than increases for Fe. Increasing grinding time tended to increase extractable Mn. The effects of grinding on Cu was inconclusive. Increasing the ratio of extractant to soil increased the amount of extractable Fe from soils and tended to increase Zn, Mn, and Cu but to a lesser extent. Both shaker ...

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