Soil degradation attributed to soil erosion is one of the most serious environmental problems in Highlands of Ethopia. However, farmers’ adoption of introduced physical soil and water conservation measures and maintenance of existing PSWC measures was limited on cultivated land. This study was aimed at investigating factors affecting the adoption of introduced physical soil and water conservation practices in Bahir Dar Zuria Woreda. Multi-stage sampling techniques were employed to select sample kebeles and representative households. Data were collected from 132 sample households. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression models were used to analyse the data. The descriptive result showed that improved soil bund and cut off drains are relatively dominant conservation structures practiced by smallholder farmers. 64.8% of the respondents did not maintain the existing soil conservation structures while only 35.2% were maintained initially adopt soil conservation structures. On the other hand, majority of the smallholder farmers (40%) and 37% were perceived medium and high soil erosion problem on their cultivated land. The logistic regression model result showed that the profitability of the structure in erosion control, extension contact, training, and perception of the household head on soil erosion problems was found to be positive and significant at a 1 % level of significance to the adoption of PSWC measure. Membership and off-farm activity were found to influence the adoption of soil conservation structures negatively and significantly. Therefore, to make the use and maintenance of PSWC measure sustainable, due attention on regular follow-up and awareness creation work should be done to enable farmers allocating their time and labour force for maintenance of soil conservation beside to other off farm activities. Keywords: Adoption, Logistic regression, Physical soil and water conservation, Soil erosion, Sustainability DOI: 10.7176/JEES/11-5-03 Publication date: May 31 st 2021
Land degradation in the form of soil erosion and nutrient depletion threatens food security and the sustainability of agricultural production in sub-Saharan Africa (Erkossa et al, 2015)
With regard to econometric analysis, the logistic regression model was employed to investigate factors affecting the adoption of introduced physical soil and water conservation measures on cultivated land
While stone bund and stone-faced soil bund conservation measures practiced at a low level by smallholder farmers
Land degradation in the form of soil erosion and nutrient depletion threatens food security and the sustainability of agricultural production in sub-Saharan Africa (Erkossa et al, 2015). In response to soil degradation challenges, government, NGO and development partners have invested substantial resources in promoting soil and water conservation practices since the mid-1970s and 80s as part of efforts to improve environmental conditions and ensure sustainable and increased agricultural production (Bekele and Holder, 1999, Menale et al, 2008, Shimelis, 2012). Reports indicated that physical soil and water conservation structures have not been sustainably implemented on cultivated land by the smallholder farmers (Fisum et al, 2002, Yeraswork, 2000). These problems resulted in a negative attitude towards the adoption of soil and water conservation structures. This study aimed to investigate factors affecting the farmers’ adoption decision of introduces physical soil and water conservation measure by smallholder farmers on cultivated land
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