
In this study, a plasma in a liquid process (PiLP) was used to facilely precipitate bimetallic nanoparticles composed of Ni and Co elements on the surface of activated carbon. The physicochemical and electrochemical properties of the fabricated composites were evaluated to examine the potential of supercapacitors as electrode materials. Nickel and cobalt ions in the aqueous reactant solution were uniformly precipitated on the AC surface as spherical nanoparticles with a size of about 100 nm by PiLP reaction. The composition of nanoparticles was determined by the molar ratio of nickel and cobalt precursors and precipitated in the form of bimetallic oxide. The electrical conductivity and specific capacitance were increased by Ni-Co bimetallic oxide nanoparticles precipitated on the AC surface. In addition, the electrochemical performance was improved by stable cycling stability and resistance reduction and showed the best performance when the molar ratios of Ni and Co precursors were the same.


  • In recent years, electrochemical capacitors (ECs), called supercapacitors, have attracted considerable attention from industry and researchers as useful energy storage devices because of their long cycle life and faster charge-discharge rates than conventional batteries [1,2]

  • The PiL reactor was filled with the reaction solution, and plasma was generated for 60 min by applying power to the tungsten electrode to synthesize NCOCC

  • The elemental composition of NCOCCs prepared using plasma in a liquid process (PiLP) was examined by EDS attached to FE-SEM

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Electrochemical capacitors (ECs), called supercapacitors, have attracted considerable attention from industry and researchers as useful energy storage devices because of their long cycle life and faster charge-discharge rates than conventional batteries [1,2]. Researchers have examined pseudocapacitive transition metal oxides to improve the power and energy density of supercapacitors [5,6]. Because various transition metal oxides have high specific capacitances, they are applied as useful materials for supercapacitors [7,8]. Composite electrodes, in which two or more transition metal oxides are applied to an eNseNhlleeaaoccnnwttoorrReoossedttddrrceueuhecncimmgtttuuhlaayrrett,eeeercddrrsoiiapcacmloole,,pmmchhiofappaisvcovoitesesceiiatbtbepeeeelaeeeeeccnllnieettrccpapottnrrrrdooooceepddpsoeeoa, sssnisneedddddwoostpptthoroeeuidcdsschootwwlultvvwriietteahholtthithtonrreeraatennpmpgssrrroiioottirbitibeooyllennetamrmfmmatneoeeorsfttfiaartueulliopsosoiniexxnnaiimggddteeeeaadsstassciiilninynnocgccgxlaalilienerrdbbgcecoooso[nnm1ma--8rbbp]pe.aaooassnneepeddepnnlmtmtie[[aa1d1tt55eet––rro1ii1aa7a7ll]nss].. FFoorr tthhee pprreeppaarraattiioonn ooff NNCCOOCCCC,, tthhee PPiiLL ssyysstteemm wwaass iinnttrroodduucceedd iinn tthhiiss ssttuuddyy. PPiiLLPP ssyysstteemm sscchheemmaattiicc aanndd PPiiLL rreeaaccttiioonn pphhoottooss uusseedd ttoo pprreeppaarree NNCCOOCCCCss. TThhee ppoowweerr ssuuppppllyy ((NNTTII--11,,000000WW)) mmaannuuffaaccttuurreedd bbyy NNaannoo TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCoo..,, LLttdd.. The PiL reactor, which was made of Pyrex®, was a double tube type with an outer diameter of 40 mm and a height of 80 mm. The electrodes were insulated with ceramic insulators and a 1.0 mm spacing was maintained where the plasma was the most stable

Experimental Procedure
Characterization of NCOCC
Characterization of NCOCCs
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