
The article aims at introducing a Facial Recognition School Security System as one solution to improve security while speeding up administrative processes in educational institutions. The need for such a system emanates from concerns over the safety of schools as well as inadequacies inherent in conventional attendance and access control methods. Inadequate methods can be manual or rely on an older technology that leads to inefficiencies, inaccuracies and breaches of security. This proposed solution exploits contemporary artificial intelligence algorithms and computer vision techniques to facilitate the reliable identification and validation of entrants thereby providing contactless approach during Pandemic times in compliance with the COVID-19 safety protocols. At this period of COVID-19 it also acts as an avenue where physical touchpoints are reduced with consideration to social distancing measures. Our method is novel in the fact that it only detects and recognizes human faces as opposed to general object detection systems. We use Local Binary Pattern Histograms (LBPH) for face recognition and Haar Cascades for face detection. The Haar Cascade algorithm employs simple rectangular features to detect faces, using a cascade of weak classifiers to achieve high detection rates. The LBPH algorithm captures local texture patterns of facial features, calculating LBP values for each pixel. Our project demonstrates variable performance across different classes, with precision ranging from 0.50 to 1.00, recall from 0.33 to 1.00, and F1 scores from 0.33 to 0.94, while achieving an overall accuracy of 0.75, indicating robust performance in certain scenarios but room for improvement in others.

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