
The purpose of this study is to determine the average values of the angular nasal anthropometric variables in Arabian women seeking rhinoplasty and compare them with the normal values. A total of 150 female patients, who underwent rhinoplasty between January 2018 and November 2021, were enrolled in this study. The exclusion criteria were a history of nasal trauma, previous rhinoplasty, and a cleft nose. Data were obtained from standardized digital photographic images. Lateral and basal views were analyzed using landmarks defined by a single observer and measurements were performed using Adobe Photoshop Software SC6. All data were analyzed using SPSS version 21 software (IBM) and compared with the normal values obtained from a previous study. All facial angles, except for the nasofrontal angles, were significantly different between the surgical and nonsurgical normal groups. The values (means±SDs) in the surgical group were as follows: nasofacial angle, 29.7±3.4 degrees; nasofrontal angle, 146.2±2.8 degrees; glabella-nasal angle, 169.8±5.8 degrees; nasolabial angle, 113.5±11 degrees; nasomental angle, 130.6±6 degrees; nasal tip angle, 102.3±8 degrees; ala-slope angle, 95.4±13.6 degrees. The nose characteristics of Arabian women seeking rhinoplasty were as follows: (1) shallow radix, (2) under the projected tip, and (3) normal tip rotation. Surgical planning is important upon consideration of any procedure or modification of the nose among Arabian women.

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