
Mudanya, a district situated in the province of Bursa, has held significant port city status since ancient times, retaining its importance to the present day. Within this district, Giritli Neighborhood stands as one of the earliest settlements in Mudanya. Turkish and Greek people lived together in the region for a long time. These two cultures created varieties in the region socially and physically. With Greeks residing mostly in the coastal area, Turkish people predominantly lived inland. With Greeks residing mostly in the coastal area and Turkish people predominantly living inland. Therefore, different qualities can be observed in the coastal and inland areas in terms of environmental and architectural qualities. Mudanya boasts a plethora of historical structures constructed in diverse architectural styles spanning various eras. Notably, 12 Eylül Street in Giritli Neighborhood has emerged as a prominent attraction, alluring tourists with its historical edifices and scenic streets leading to the sea. Despite the inevitable passage of time, several historical buildings along 12 Eylül Street remarkably preserve their originality, prominently exhibiting distinct architectural features on their facades. This research entails a comprehensive literature review and analysis pertaining to the aforementioned district, neighborhood, and street, followed by a meticulous facade analysis of seven structures situated on 12 Eylül Street. Notably, the facades of these historical buildings exhibit influences from Late Ottoman Architecture, as well as the Neoclassical, Rococo, and the First National Architectural Movement (Neoclassical Turkish Style) periods, each contributing unique elements to the meticulous designs of these structures. In light of this research, preserving the historical value of Giritli District and 12 Eylül Street, it is of great importance to keep it alive and pass it on to future generations.

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