
The article clarifies the peculiarities of the use of somatic units belonging to the general language dictionary; their imaginative potential is revealed in Mykola VinHranovskyi's poetic picture of the world. A wide range of figurative use of somatic lexemes is noted, the semantic specificity of their functioning is substantiated – due to the combination with ethnically marked words-images dream, hope, song, beauty, love, etc.; the introduction of original, unusually modeled tropeic, emotional and evaluative structures. Processes of image formation based on associative convergences of direct and figurative meanings of somatisms, external and internal portraiture of the lyrical "I", actualization of ethnic ideas about female beauty, beauty through the prism of the author's poetic language thinking and aestheticization of semantic plans of somatic lexical units are traced. The range of the figurative potential of somatisms in M. Vinhranovskyi's poetic picture of the world is extremely wide – from lexical-semantic to tropeic and ethnolinguistic paradigms. The key semantic vectors of its objectification are a combination of somatisms with ethnically marked words-images dream, hope, song, beauty, love, etc. The imagery of somatisms is revealed in the composition of originally modeled tropeic, emotive-evaluative, associatively expressed linguistic structures and through the prism of individual authorial aestheticization of the semantic plans of somatic lexical units. The frequency of the use of somatisms enables the characterization of figurative structures centered on "somatism" through chronological-worldview and ethnolinguistic, culturally oriented author's intentions, their objectification and influence on the general expressive plan of the entire expression. The full realization of the imaginative potential of somatisms is provided by contexts in which complex models combining several somatisms are represented. Such figurative models testify to the originality of M. Vinhranovskyi's linguistic thinking, his ability to find unexpected associative connections, revealing an individually modified and rich system of emotional and evaluative meaning plans of somatisms.

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