
This study aims to determine the ECL of prospective teacher students during lectures. ECL is obtained from the mental effort of students in attending lectures or teaching and learning processes because it will affect the process of constructing students' cognitive schemas from the information received during the learning process. Learning activities are effective and efficient if the ECL of students is in the low category. Data collection was carried out on biology education students who attended group lectures for pedagogic courses and biological science content in the odd semester 2020/2021. This is a descriptive study which was conducted in March-September 2021, with the determination of the sample, namely purposive random sampling. ECL was measured using a mental effort questionnaire in each course in the learning process. The data obtained were analyzed in the conversion of low to high scores, then compared between semester levels to provide an overview of student ECL. The results showed that the mental effort of prospective teacher students was in the low category. The ECL of prospective biology education teacher students is low.

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