
For most high-performance two-player game programs, a significant amount of time is devoted to developing the evaluation function. An important issue in this regard is how to take advantage of a large memory. For some two-player games, endgame databases have been an effective way of reducing search effort and introducing accurate values into the search. For some one-player games (single-agent domains or puzzles), pattern databases have been effective at improving the quality of the heuristic values used in a search. This paper introduces new ways to extend the utility of pattern and endgame databases. Through the use of abstraction: (1) single-agent pattern databases can be applied to two- or more-player games; knowledge of the capabilities of one player (being oblivious to the opponent) can be an effective evaluation function for a class of game domains, and (2) endgame database positions can be viewed as an abstraction of more complicated positions; database lookups can be used as evaluation function features. These ideas are illustrated using the games of Chinese Checkers, Chess, and Thief and Police. For each domain, even small databases can be used to produce strong game play. This research has relevance to the recent interest in building general game-playing (GGP) programs. For two- or more-player applications where pattern and/or endgame databases can be built, abstraction can be used to automatically construct an evaluation function.

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