Transistor aging, mostly due to bias temperature instability (BTI), is one of the major unreliability sources at nano-scale technology nodes. BTI causes the circuit delay to increase and eventually leads to a decrease in the circuit lifetime. Typically, standard cells in the library are optimised according to the design time delay; however, because of the asymmetric effect of BTI, the rise and fall delays might become significantly imbalanced over the lifetime. In this study, the BTI effect is mitigated by balancing the rise and fall delays of the standard cells at the excepted lifetime. The authors find an optimal tradeoff between the increase in the library size and the lifetime improvement by non-uniform extension of the library cells for various ranges of the input signal probabilities. The simulation results reveal that this technique can prolong the circuit lifetime by around 150% with a negligible area overhead. Moreover, the effect of different realistic workloads on the distribution of internal node signal probabilities is investigated. This is done to obtain the sensitivity of the proposed static (design time) approach to different workloads during system lifetime. The results show that the proposed approach is still efficient if the workload changes during the runtime.
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