
This research extends the limited support for social comparison tendencies as an individual difference variable and a key moderator of pay fairness perceptions. Through three studies comprised of five data collections, the following adapts a measure of social comparison orientation to pay contexts and examines its association with heightened perceptions of distributive fairness in hypothetical and actual scenarios of pay equity, over-reward, and under-reward. In keeping with Gibbons and Buunk's construal, our targeted operationalization of social comparison orientation demonstrated inter-individual variation and intra-individual stability, providing corroboration of distinct individual predispositions towards social comparison. Our experimental findings further support this point in that socially relative pay information had a stronger impact on pay fairness evaluations among individuals predisposed to socially compare and a relatively weak impact on those that were not. This investigation is complementary but distinct from the prevalent focus on situational factors as drivers of social comparison. Further, examining this point in the context of pay is timely based on the recent level of public and managerial attention given to the fairness of relative pay differences.

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