
We study several aspects of the extended thermodynamics of BTZ black holes with thermodynamic mass M=alpha m+gamma frac{j}{ell } and angular momentum J = αj + γℓm, for general values of the parameters (α, γ) ranging from regular (α = 1, γ = 0) to exotic (α = 0, γ = 1). We show that there exist two distinct behaviours for the black holes, one when α > γ (“mostly regular”), and the other when γ < α (“mostly exotic”). We find that the Smarr formula holds for all (α, γ). We derive the corresponding thermodynamic volumes, which we find to be positive provided α and γ satisfy a certain constraint. The dependence of pressure on volume is unremarkable and strictly decreasing when α > γ, but a maximum volume emerges for large J ≫ T when γ > α; consequently an exotic black hole of a given horizon circumference and temperature can exist in two distinct anti de Sitter backgrounds. We compute the reverse isoperimetric ratio, and study the Gibbs free energy and criticality conditions for each. Finally we investigate the complexity growth of these objects and find that they are all proportional to the complexity of the BTZ black hole. Somewhat surprisingly, purely exotic BTZ black holes have vanishing complexity growth.


  • We have studied the chemistry of generalized exotic BTZ black holes whose thermodynamics are governed by the parameters α and γ, which serve to swap the roles of mass and angular momentum

  • The Smarr fomula has been shown to be upheld in all cases. We find that these generalized exotic black holes have a number of interesting features, despite the fact that they exhibit no interesting phase transition behaviour

  • For values of α > γ, which we term “majority standard” black holes, we show there is no interesting behaviour in the thermodynamic quantities, nor the PV diagrams

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Black hole solution from gravitational Chern-Simons

A variety of solutions exist to the field equations of this theory, one of which is the black hole metric (2.3) [27]. M and j in general are not respectively proportional to the mass and angular momentum of the black hole. This was first pointed out for the action (2.6), where a. In other words the following general action [39, 43] for the intermediate values of the standard/exotic BTZ black hole would be a linear combination of IEH and IGCS α I(A) =. Where Cμν is the Cotton tensor obtained varying the gravitational Chern-Simons action with respect to the metric

Extended phase space
Pressure-volume behaviour
Reverse isoperimetric ratio
Gibbs free energy and critical behaviour
Free energy with fixed-Ω
Complexity growth rate
Complexity of the exotic BTZ black hole
General definition of the WdW patch
Rotating BTZ in Einstein-Cartan formalism
Volume contributions to the WdW patch
Joint contributions
Boundary counterterm for rotating BTZ
B Alternate possibilities
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